

Facebook Privacy Settings

Recruitment for this clinical trial takes place on social media. When you post content, only users have the authority to limit what is shown to them, and they can decide how they want to interact with these posts. It is always possible to control who you want to share a post with, you can always control who can see the posts you are tagged in, and you can always remove tags from posts. Below are brief instructions on how to do this. If you have further questions, you can visit where you can get more guidance on these topics.


Sharing a Post

You can choose who can see your post on Facebook using the audience selector. The audience selector is found in most places where you share content on Facebook, such as posts, photos, and information on your profile.
The audience selector allows you to choose a specific audience when you post something. Your options may include:

Public: When you share something publicly, it means that everyone, including people off Facebook, can see it.

Friends (+ friends of anyone tagged): This setting allows you to post things to your friends on Facebook. If others are tagged in a post, the audience expands to include the tagged person and their friends.

Custom, and uncheck the box Friends of those tagged.

Only Me: This option allows you to post content on your timeline that is only visible to you. Posts with the audience Only Me appear in your news feed but not in your friends' feeds. When you tag someone in your content and choose Only Me, the audience does not expand to include the person you tagged.

Specific Friends: When you choose Specific Friends, you can selectively share something with specific people or hide it from specific people. You can also share with specific friend lists if you have set them up. Specific Friends also allows sharing with groups or networks you belong to.


Limit who can see a post you are tagged in.


1. Click your profile picture at the top right of Facebook.
2. Select Settings & Privacy, then click Settings.
3. Click Profile and Tagging in the left column.
4. Look for the setting Who can see posts you're tagged in on your profile?, and click Edit to the far right.
5. Choose the audience of people (e.g., Friends) you would like to be able to see the posts you're tagged in.
You can also review posts you're tagged in before they appear on your profile by using Review posts you're tagged in before the post appears on your profile? in your profile and tagging settings.

Remember that posts you hide on your profile are visible to the audience they're shared with elsewhere on Facebook, such as in News Feed and search.


Remove a tag from a post.


1. Go to the post.
2. Click at the top right.
3. Click Remove Tag.

We are ready to help

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the study, you can contact us by email or phone (Monday-Friday 07.30 – 14.30).